Saturday, 26 December 2009

MAX ISSUE 3 AND AFV ISSUE 50 OUT SOON! or buy NOW from the web-shop

I hope you'll all enjoying a break over the festive period and finding time to fit a little modelling in! Look out at the newsagents soon (or buy direct NOW from the web-shop)for the new issues of Max and AFV, Max has a special bumper photo report on The IPMS UK Nationals- Scale Model World 2009, second part of the Luftwaffe '46 concept aircraft, reviews and more... AFV Modeller has a full build by David Parker on the soon -to- be big release from Tasca of their 1/24th Panzer II along with regular reviews, the 1/16th King Tiger project continues, Adam Wilder's unique Czech Hetzer and more

Best wishes for 2010

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Why not combine our readers models feature with a plug for your club? send us some pics of your club members and their models along with details of who you are and where you meet, any shows you organise etc

send to
