Tuesday, 13 April 2010

CAN YOU HELP????????????

We're receiving the same comment to often at the moment that readers of Afv, Air and Max can't find the magazines in their newsagent or they can't seem to reserve one. Please could we ask that if you can't see the mags on shelf that you drop us a line with the name of the store? it would be a huge help for us to present the information to the distributors. Any newsagent should be able to get any of the magazines if you ask- many thanks 


  1. WHSmiths in Sunderland does this quite regularly, sometimes cant even find AFV Modeller but can find AIR Modeller.

  2. WHSmith in Carlisle are a pain in the ****, they seem to get AIR in every once in a while and then go for months without it. They usually have a copy of AFV and MAX though

  3. Same for WH Smith in Liverpool. Both New Mersey Retail and L1 stores.

  4. Never found MAX in WHSmith Shrewsbury for some reason. Possibly looking in wrong place but not in modelling section.

  5. Where can AIR Modeller be purchased in Australia ? I see AFV Modeller in a few dedicated hobby shops, but nothing in the newsagencies.

  6. Hi Graham, To find your nearest stockist - contact Vicky Brumfield on 01778 391150 or vickyb@warnersgroup.co.uk with your post/zip-code.

    Warners distribute the magazine in the UK and Overseas so they will be able to tell you. Otherwise you can get it through our website shop.

    Hope this helps!
